VCE Physical Education
Unit 4 AOS 1
Fitness Testing
SEMO Agility Test Teacher Resources
Tips to Run the Test
SEMO Teacher Resource
1. Make sure to use a tape measurer to set up the test, do not estimate your distances
2. Colour coordinate your cones. Have the two front cones the same colour, and the two back cones the same. This means that students will always sprint to the same colour cone, and the backwards diagonal run will always be to the same coloured cone
3. Allow the students time to practice and run through the test. Also allow time for the students to recover after their practices
4. Have a student at the front of the test calling out the movement required of the participant (Sprint, Backwards diagonal, Sidestep). Or, have a coloured witches hat out the front of the test so students know to always face that way.
5. Set up two tests side by side. You can get through tests quicker plus friendly competition between students can motivate them.
Setting Up

Figure 1. The SEMO Agility Test