VCE Physical Education
Unit 4 AOS 1
Fitness Testing
Unit 4: Training to improve performance
Area of Study 1
What are the foundations of an effective training program?
In this area of study students focus on the information required to form the foundation of an effective training program. They use data from an activity analysis and determine the fitness requirements of a selected physical activity. They also use data collected from participating in a series of fitness tests to inform the design of the training program.
Students determine the relevant factors that affect each of the fitness components, and conduct a series of fitness tests that demonstrate correct and ethical implementation of testing protocols and procedures.
Outcome 1
On completion of this unit the student should be able to analyse data from an activity analysis and fitness tests to determine and assess the fitness components and energy system requirements of the activity.
Key Knowledge
Methods of at least two standardised, recognised tests for aerobic power, agility, anaerobic capacity, body composition, exibility, muscular endurance, power and strength and speed.
Key Skills
Conduct a valid and reliable assessment of tness using ethical protocols
Perform, observe, analyse and report on practical laboratory exercises designed to assess tness prior to designing a training program